The determination of the veracity of data and, therefore, the credibility of the source of this data poses several research challenges and is one of the major concerns in the domain of Big Data. In fact, veracity is often cited, along with volume, velocity, variety and value, as one of the five aspects (5V) of big data management.
Efficient tools need to be developed in order to evaluate the veracity of the facts stored in knowledge bases, such as DBpedia, Yago and GeoNames. These knowledge bases play an essential role in several critical applications, hence the importance of efficient mechanisms for the verification of their content.
Moreover, the intentional propagation of false information on the Web, particularly in the social media, is a plague that the mainstream media recently acknowledged and that needs to be efficiently adressed.
Several major problems deserve to be studied in this context, such as the evaluation of veracity while taking spatio-temporal information into account, the possibility of considering multiple truths, the identification of copies and the dependence/influence between sources and, finally, the need of mechanisms to explain the veracity of facts.